Tracking Analytics

Learn how to begin tracking analytic events


Once you're set up, tracking events is easy as 🥧:

Plaudy.track("purchase", {
    "amount": 413.25,
    "upsell": 63.25,
    "referrer": "landing page",
    "items": [
        "dehydrated h20",
        "non-gmo water",
        "filtered dirt"
    "user_id": `USER_ID` // if you didn't pass this in when using .identify()
    "object_id": `OBJECT_ID` // if you didn't pass this in when using .identify()
    // anything else

The first argument is the event_type, which you can call whatever you'd like. The second argument is any data you want to pass in (up to 1,000 key-value pairs).


1. Tracking A Page View

Here's a simple example of everything together in a file we'll call index.js. We'll be tracking a single page view:

import Plaudy from 'plaudy';

Plaudy.identify(`USER_ID`, `OBJECT_ID`);

Plaudy.track("page view", {
    "title": window.location.hostname,
    "url": ""

That's it! You successfully tracked your first page view for this user! But there's so much more you can do! Keep it going! 🎉

Last updated

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